The parts gathered and recognized in a complete legal capacity for the execution of this document:
{CompanyUfCrm1619342634947} starting now referred to as CLIENT.
The society PORRAS BARRIOS PROYECTOS Y SOLUCIONES, with Tax Identification Number B10491256 starting now,
is called D-LINIEX.
{CompanyUfCrm1619342634947} starting now referred to as CLIENT.
The society PORRAS BARRIOS PROYECTOS Y SOLUCIONES, with Tax Identification Number B10491256 starting now,
is called D-LINIEX.
services details
The work, as subsequently described, is under the stipulations also expressed and agreed upon:
Nº | Servicio | Descripción | IVA | Cantidad | |
Products index | Products Name | Details of the Service | Tax | Exclusive Price |
TOTAL NET | Total before tax | |
VAT 21% | Tax Value | |
TOTAL | Total + VAT |
Technical Aspects
Specific conditions agreed upon
Payment method for fees: Through bank transfer (50% upon contract signing and 50% upon documentation delivery. If the contract is hourly, the bonus would be paid in full in advance.)
BBVA Account Holder: Porras Barrios Proyectos y Soluciones SL (D-LINIEX) ES5101826417310201589380
BBVA Account Holder: Porras Barrios Proyectos y Soluciones SL (D-LINIEX) ES5101826417310201589380
1º. The fee amount will be determined following the established timelines and will be considered as an advance payment towards the total fees. The CLIENT shall provide all information requested by D-LINIEX to facilitate the execution of the assignment. BITRIX 24 is designated as the communication platform through which instructions and necessary corrections will be conveyed for completion.
Ownership Rights:
The CLIENT is the sole owner of the works resulting from this contract, with the freedom to use them as deemed fit. D-LINIEX shall exclusively and without any temporal or spatial limitations transfer to the CLIENT all exploitation rights arising from the creation subject to this contract. The CLIENT may use, either directly or through third parties, any images, designs, or elements employed in a manner deemed most suitable for its interests, including the right to modify them. Lastly, D-LINIEX is prohibited from using any of the designs and shall treat them with utmost confidentiality
Any modification to the assignment arising during the professional activity covered by this contract will be assessed at 49 euros per hour + VAT and will be deemed an additional service to the original contract. In this regard, the CLIENT must express explicit opposition in advance through the Bitrix24 chat if they do not wish for such modifications to be carried out.
The CLIENT releases D-LINIEX from all responsibility concerning the executed works, as they are commissioned and supervised by the CLIENT. The CLIENT will be the sole responsible party for any claims from third parties.
Breach of Contract:
D-LINIEX may terminate the Contract under any of the following circumstances:
- Failure to pay the corresponding fees in the manner and within the deadlines established in this Contract.
- Breach by the client of any obligations assumed in this Contract.
- Breach by the client of any obligations assumed in this Contract.
The client may terminate the Contract under any of the following circumstances:
- Breach by D-LINIEX of any of the obligations assumed in this Contract.
If the client unilaterally terminates this Contract or renders its fulfillment impossible for D-LINIEX, the client shall be obliged to pay to D-LINIEX, the entirety of the fees accrued up to that moment. In addition, 50 percent as compensation for damages and losses, calculated from the sums that would have been due for the phases entrusted and that will no longer be carried out due to the unilateral termination.