Project for the Integral Construction of a
Hotel Complex
The definition of a successful hotel complex begins with a project that establishes the future functionalities of the hotel. This ensures that a well-executed project enables the building to evolve and progress as the years go by: D-LINIEX possesses the necessary expertise to create a cutting-edge hotel design that allows the hotel complex to adapt to changes over time. To achieve this, the following projects will be necessary to define each and every functionality and volumetrics of the building.
Preliminary Design
A project that includes all the necessary technical documentation to define the feasibility of a hotel construction, outlining functional aspects such as the number of rooms, dining and leisure areas, and the volumetrics of the different buildings. This document is accompanied by functional, construction, and economic considerations. With this document, you can gain an overall understanding of the hotel building and obtain an approximate construction budget.
The hiring of a pre-project includes:
- Justifying Memo
- Background: Previous study of the plot and specific aspects affecting the hotel building, applicable regulations, and allowable land use.
- Purpose of the Pre-Project: Compilation of the building's construction characteristics, functional aspects, design, layout, geometric features, and information about proposed materials.
- Budget: An approximation with a breakdown of costs by usage will be included.
- Plans
- Urban situation.
- Location of the building on the plot to scale and without dimensions.
- Plan of each floor to scale and without dimensions.
- Section plans to scale and without dimensions.
- Elevation plans to scale and without dimensions.
A basic project is a comprehensive documentation that elaborates on the pre-project and further develops the technical aspects of a hotel construction. This document defines with a higher level of detail the distributions and other technical details of the project, such as room elements, common areas, and leisure spaces within the complex. The project justifies the specific solutions proposed. Its sealed content is sufficient to request the municipal license and other administrative authorizations, such as environmental licenses, but it is not enough to carry out the construction work, which requires the documentation of an executive project that will obtain urban approval and the possibility of building.
Hiring a basic project includes:
Expository Report:
- Client's name.
- Definition and purpose of the work.
- Site data: Location, shape, topography, area, orientation, boundaries, easements, etc.
- Program of requirements.
- Solution adopted.
- Applicable urban regulations.
- Functional and formal aspects of the adopted solution.
- Technical and economic aspects of the adopted solution.
- Thorough justification of the layout, facade composition, etc.
- Justification of compliance with urban limitations affecting the parcel, which may be summarized in a table.
- Justification of compliance with the Building Technical Code (CTE).
- Table of useful and constructed areas, both total and for each functional unit.
- Above-grade building volume.
- Total material execution budget for the project and the corresponding breakdown by different uses based on collegiate indicative prices.
- General construction characteristics and quality of chosen materials.
- Differentiated cost per constructed and/or developed m².
- Calculation of the global estimated budget for total material execution, subdivided by trades and technology (foundations, structure, carpentry, electricity, etc.).
- Location plan referring to the municipal boundary, not to scale.
- Location plan referring to the existing planning, to scale and without dimensions.
- Current topographic plan, to scale.
- Modified topographic plan with the building, to scale.
- Site plan: Building placement orientation within the site and arrangement of unbuilt areas, indicating built, unbuilt, and total areas, distances to boundaries, to scale and dimensioned.
- Furniture floor plan: All distinct building floors are depicted, showing the corresponding furniture for each area, marking the useful areas of each space and the total building area, door swings, columns, and service conduits, to scale and without dimensions.
- Roof plan: Roof plan, indicating slopes, points of rainwater collection, ventilation chimneys, TV and FM antennas, to scale.
- Sections: Necessary sections to depict staircases, ramps, and courtyards, dimensioning floor heights, slab thicknesses, parapet heights, total heights, regulatory height, and interior and exterior ground levels. At least one section must include the building's staircase.
- Elevations: Elevations of each exterior or interior facade, to scale and dimensioning total heights. All elevations of the building should be represented, drawing all elements, including those above the regulatory height and setbacks. These elements may include stairwell enclosures, ventilation chimneys, elevator volumes, etc.
- Dimensioned floor plans: Floor plans with dimensions, marking wall and partition thicknesses, as well as courtyards and ventilation elements, indicating door swings.
- Others: These are the necessary plans for obtaining licenses according to regulations, including a general installation plan that shows the position of meters, service connections, etc."
An executive project completes the basic project by providing a comprehensive and detailed technical documentation necessary for the construction of a hotel. This document specifies and describes all the technical aspects of the project, including the materials to be used, construction elements of the hotel, equipment definition, etc. It includes calculations for foundations, structures, and installations. The executive project contains all the content required to carry out the construction of the hotel.
Hiring an executive project includes:
1º General Memorandum
Relationship with the documents included in the Basic Project that are not part of the Executive Project, signed by the architect. It describes the work to be carried out, justifications, and descriptions of modifications to the basic project (if any), along with the justification for compliance with basic building regulations such as the CTE (Technical Building Code), RITE (Regulation on Thermal Installations in Buildings), etc.
2º Foundation Memorandum
- Description, characteristics, and quality of the chosen foundation system:
- Foundation slab.
- Continuous footings.
- Isolated footings.
- Retaining or basement walls.
- Coefficients of applied loads. They represent the soil's capacity to bear loads.
- Calculations with different load hypotheses.
- Description and justification of the chosen foundation.
3º Structure Memorandum
- Actions on the considered building, e.g., self-weight, permanent loads, wind, heat, seismic forces.
- Description and justification of the chosen structural type.
- Characteristics of materials used and safety coefficients employed.
- Characteristics of the calculation software used.
4ºTrades Memorandum
- Description of adopted construction systems, materials, qualities, etc. For example, the type of roofing, exterior enclosures, etc.
5º Installations Memorandum
- Description of systems used, chosen materials for each of the different installations:
- Water supply.
- Electricity.
- Sanitation.
- Description and location of various service connections.
- Basic sizing of each element composing the installations:
- Ducts.
- Valves.
- Meters.
6º Memos' Appendices
- Electrical project: Executive project specifying and calculating the level of electrification, number of circuits, total power, current intensity in current zones, wire conductor sections, etc.
- Gas reception facilities project: Calculation project for the entire gas receiving unit network of the building.
- Water network project: Project including calculations for required flow rate, pipe diameters, etc.
- Health and sanitation project: Project calculating graywater and sewage evacuation installations for the building.
- Thermal installations project: Calculation project for heat or cooling demand in calories per room or dwelling, pipe sections, compliance with the Building Thermal Installations Regulation, etc.
- Telecommunications project: Description, justification, and sizing of special installations or telecommunications, ventilation, elevators, television, telephony, and data networks.
- Energy certification: Project with the energy calculation of the building, defining its energy rating.
- Vertical transportation project: Executive project with detailed sizing of vertical transportation elements of the building (elevators)."
- Layout Plan: This plan will show the measurements between the axes of columns and walls on the plot, the depth of footings, slabs, columns, etc., in order to begin the construction.
- Foundation Plan: Dimensioned along axes, with designations distinguishing each element (footings, abutments, retaining walls, struts, etc.). Contains sizing of foundation elements like footings, slabs, abutments, along with an attached table specifying the reinforcement of each element. Similarly, secondary elements like beams, ties, etc., are treated.
- Sanitation Plan: Dimensioned plan of manholes, inspection pits, horizontal conduits, and pipe slopes.
- Floor Plans: Plans of different floors indicating beam sections, moldings, marking floor slab ribs, and providing elevation levels for different floors. (These plans also include specifications for concrete characteristics and the quality control to which it must be subjected.) All structural elements like beams, columns, slabs, walls, patio openings, elevator openings, etc., are dimensioned, and the paths of ventilation or sanitation installations are marked. This plan is accompanied by a table of columns and another specifying the used reinforcement or metal profiles. These and other structural plans are also accompanied by a table of material characteristics used and safety coefficients.
- General Table: Indicating dimensions and reinforcement of columns on each floor, footings, bands, etc.
- Structural Details: Drawings detailing the elements necessary for executing the structure, which might also be included in the floor and foundation plans.
- Details Plan: These provide dimensions and breakdowns of all joint elements or different intersections that may exist in the structure.
- Plumbing Installation Plans: Plans for each different floor indicating the section of each pipe and a schematic representation thereof. Distinguishing between cold and hot water. Meters, pressure groups, heaters, risers (vertical pipes), fire hydrants, shutoff valves, faucets, or consumption points, etc., will also be noted.
- Electrical Installation Plans: Plans for each floor where schematic representation of lines, conduit sizing, and drawing elements like main protection box, grounding, distribution line, meter bank, individual branches, protection panels, switches, light points, switches, etc., is necessary.
- Air Conditioning Installation Plans: Different floor plans with graphical representation of the chosen system and placement of elements like condensing unit, evaporating unit, ducts, supply or recovery grilles; tubes are also sized according to the building's cooling requirements.
- Heating Installation Plans: Different floor plans indicating pipe sections, schematic representation, and location of radiators with their dimensions, placement of the boiler, fuel tanks, storage tanks, chimneys, etc.
- Ventilation Installation Plans: Different floor plans indicating exterior air intake grilles, exhaust fans, vertical ventilation ducts, exhaust grilles, suspended ventilation ducts, and indicating the direction of both natural and forced interior air circulation.
- Antenna Installation Plans: Indicating all elements including satellite signal receiver boxes, cable signal receivers, wireless signal receivers; also, conductor elements, junction boxes, and terminals.
- Gas Installation Plans: Indicating service connections, regulation box, meter bank, consumption points, ventilation chimneys, etc.
- Other Installation Plans: Telephone installation, internal telephony, intercoms, elevators, solar energy, etc.
- Carpentry Plan: Can be divided into multiple plans based on criteria like exterior and interior carpentry, wooden or metal carpentry, or all types of carpentry in one plan. Different types of windows, doors, balcony doors, cabinet doors, etc., are drawn, specifying the dimensions of frames, leaves, glazed parts (if any), opening type, and the units appearing throughout the work of this type of carpentry.
- Locksmith Plan: Railings, grilles, handrails, etc., are drawn and dimensioned. They are usually included within the metal or wood carpentry plan, depending on the material type.
- Carpentry and Locksmith Detail Plan: At a suitable scale like 1:5, 1:3, 1:2, small element materials and dimensions like frames, pre-frames, joint covers are specified.
- Construction Section Plan: All elements of a facade from roof to foundation are drawn in this plan, including connections with floors, wall-floor connections, roof-parapet connections, etc., specifying the name and dimensions of all those elements making up this construction section.
- Technical conditions are outlined.
- Legal conditions are outlined.
- Economic conditions are outlined.
The different chapters of the project will be developed by item:
- Demolition.
- Foundations and structures.
- Sanitation.
- Masonry.
- Plumbing installation.
- Electrical installation.
- Telephony installation.
- Coatings.
- Paintings.
- Metal carpentry.
- Wood carpentry.
The budget for the project is obtained by applying market unit prices to the measurements taken. This document is usually included with the measurements, and by summing up the total of all items from
Processing and Document Management
- Compilation of necessary documentation and permits
- Submission of documentation to the municipality
- Resolution of issues
- Tracking the status of documentation
- Obtaining the corresponding licenses
Construction Supervision and Health & Safety Coordination
This contract outlines a comprehensive package of professional services that encompasses the coordination of the technical team involved in the project, the interpretation of the project's technical, economic, and aesthetic aspects, and the implementation of necessary measures to ensure the successful execution of the project. It entails making adjustments, complementary details, and modifications as required to achieve the full realization of the construction project, in accordance with the specifications outlined in the corresponding project execution plan.
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